About Four Forces Wellness, Inc.

About the Founder

Four Forces Wellness, Inc. founding director Christine Kestner holds a Master of Public Health and a Master of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Health. She is a Certified Nutrition Specialist® professional, licensed to practice nutrition in Maryland, and also qualified to practice in Virginia. In addition, she is an FAI-certified Tai Chi instructor and Certified Health Coach. She is a member of the American Public Health Association, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the American Society for Nutrition, the American Nutrition Association, and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

About the Concept

The concept behind Four Forces Wellness, Inc. was inspired by Christine’s late husband, who was a pilot. Caring for him from his diagnosis with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, until his passing inspired Christine to enter the health field. The Four Forces of Wellness are based on the Four Forces of Flight. Just as flight can only occur when lift and thrust overcome weight and drag, wellness can only be realized when the factors that lift our health and propel it forward overcome those weighing us down and holding us back. The 6 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine; nutrition, physical activity, stress management, restorative sleep, social connection, and avoidance of risky substances help people achieve The Four Forces of wellness goal. Addressing the Social Determinants of Health is necessary to facilitate wellness for all.

Image represents the four forces of flight. It shows a Cessna 170b in flight, left to right in the frame, with bold, red arrows pointing up and in the direction of flight, labeled "lift" and "thrust" respectively. Two more arrows, not bold, point down and in the opposite direction of flight, labeled "weight" and "drag," respectively.
The Four Forces of Flight, ©2006 by Christine Kestner. All rights reserved.


Four Forces Wellness, Inc. offers plant-based nutrition counseling, Tai Chi instruction, and public health consulting services.